oh...wow well that sucks...
and at least she let me down nicely...unlike most if not all the other people that have rejected me ._.
after she said no to me i was still sad though...and well my reply to her was that if she ever changes her mind she'll know where to find me and all that junk...
oh and at the moment my arms and hands are in a ton of pain and are feeling a bit...numb ._.
i recorded a 1 hour 11 minute and 11 second long doom/stoner/heavy metal/rock song just now...
its the first song i ever recorded that was longer than 20 minutes...i kept thinking to myself while i was recording "is this song long enough?...nope ._." xD
granted im still really fucking sad about this...
i was really really hoping she'd say yes :'(
Hey, calm down. Everyone faces rejection. You don't have it nearly as bad as I did. I asked out this girl, like, the day after I came out, and it turns out she's Christian McGee, so she gets half the fucking school preaching at me like I'm the fucking devil.